I realize that the vast majority of the pictures we post here are of our children which really doesn't give you a good feel for life in Cambodia. From time to time Amy and I, together or in this case seperately, take a trip to the provinces with our staff to run programs or see an initiative already in place. Earlier this week I headed out to the deep south by the town of Kampot with a TV crew from one of the major stations to film Peace Corps workers in action - they are really doing some amazing work in the countryside - mostly English teaching but also coaching basketball teams, setting up methane gas stoves and lamps, and finding cheap and innovative ways to run irrigation systems through previously dry land. These are a couple shots from that trip - mostly rural schools where children actually travel from the hill towns and set up shacks by the school to live in during the week. And yes - there are actually five people and luggage on the back of that moto..
There is also, of course, the obligatory kid shot of Eva and Kai watching Ben 10 on the computer, Eva just had to wear my socks for the venture...