Miervaldis and Ilze

This blog is devoted to Kai Miervaldis and Evanelle Ilze and in general to our little family, now in balmy Phnom Penh

Monday, August 21, 2006

I realized that ya'll don't know who we work with and thought I would include a picture of the public diplomacy staff getting awards from the Ambassador a cuople of months ago. My direct colleagues - the cultural staff, are in the first row - starting from left to right - Susan (my boss, the woman in the white coat), Vukica, Dida and Jelena. The Ambassador is the taller gentleman in the back row closest to the flag. We're kind of in a slow period right now, at least slow-er while literally the entire country is on vacation in Montenegro, but things will probably pick back up next week as people return and Belgrade's culture engine slowly revs back into action.

It's still tough to be without K-man and Ames, and the bachelor ways have definately returned. It's funny how quickly we fall back into old patterns and habits when left alone to our own devices - I won't bore you with the details but needless to say our housekeeper has a bit more work than usual at the Johnson/Canon residence... Hurrican Kai creates a unique type of mess, but 35-year-old bachelors are another story entirely!

Will post more later - Ames should be putting up some pictures of their trip to the US fairly soon as well!


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